Removing the bandage
Remove the bandage as directed by your artist. Do not remove the bandage until you can properly clean the tattoo with mild soap and warm water. Rinse it well, sloughing off as much of the slimy coating that may have formed over the tattooed area while underneath the bandage. Gently pat it dry with a clean cloth or paper towel, then allow it to air-dry for 15 minutes before applying ointment.
Ointment application
Apply Aquaphor ointment to the tattoo as needed, massaging a very small amount into the skin. Use just enough ointment to make the tattoo slightly shiny, and blot off any excess. For the first day or two, your tattoo may require more cleaning or blotting, as the traumatized skin will still be losing a small amount of fluid. Ensure that extra moisture doesn't get trapped under the ointment, by blotting and air-drying after each washing.
Keep dry
The healing tattoo should never stay submerged in water. Therefore, limit yourself to only short showers until the tattoo has finished peeling. It’s also important that a fresh tattoo be protected from the sun and dirty environments, as it’s still an open wound at this time. All normal activities involving water or sun exposure can usually be resumed after 14 days.
Healing process
Only apply ointment for as long as it takes for your tattoo to peel, usually 3-7 days. When the peeling begins, the tattooed skin will flake like a sunburn. Avoid picking at the cracked and flaking skin. When the tattoo has fully entered the peeling phase you should NOT apply any more ointment. The area will become dry and itchy, and a good quality, fragrance-free lotion can now be used until the skin returns to its normal texture. Remember that until your new tattoo peels, it’s an open wound, and needs to be treated as one. Give your tattoo the time and attention it needs to properly heal. No swimming or sun for two weeks.